Wednesday 5 November 2014

Salad daze

So for the last year Gorgeous George and I have been on the 5:2 diet. GG has lost about 5kg and so have I. I'm really on it to keep my slightly tubby hubby company more than to lose weight, although given the SERIOUS pain the backside this diet constitutes, it would be nice if I looked in the mirror and saw Claudia Schiffer rather than a slightly squat potato.
Mind you, in a world where there seems to be so much of everything, doing without a couple of times a week seems to be the type of thing that is probably good for the soul. It certainly makes you realise you can do without occasionally and the world won't come to an end, even if you could murder a plate of pasta.
However, I think that maybe it is time for me to abandon my self-righteous attempt to keep Gorgeous George company and lead him to the path of slenderness by example. Today, while enjoying a cup of tea with some friends I found myself mesmerised by the salad sandwich being daintily consumed next to me. I had a serious urge to reach across, thump my friend in the head and make off with her wholegrain with mayo and stuff it down my throat before she had a chance to call the diet police.
So, in the interests of staying out of jail and not becoming the first member of my family to be done for assault and theft of a salad sanger, I have decided that the 5:2 diet and I are parting company.
If it is my fate to resemble a potato, then so be it. Gorgeous George is on his own. Bring on the carbs!

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